Adelaide celebrates 30th anniversary of women priests

The Diocese of Adelaide celebrated the 30th anniversary of the ordination of women to the priesthood at St Peter’s Cathedral on 4 December 2022.
Five women were ordained on 5 December 1992: Reverends Joan Claring-Bould, Sue Pain, Sister Juliana SI, Susan Straub and Flo Monahan, the first four of whom were present for the anniversary evensong. At the very well-attended service, Bishop Keith Rayner launched a virtual exhibition of photographs of some of the diocese’s pioneers of women’s ministry and leadership and a commemorative publication, written by Dr Janet Scarfe, With their hearts in their mouths. Janet was President of MOW 1989-1995, following Dr Patricia Brennan.
The 30th anniversary service can be viewed at
The service booklet can be downloaded from that site too. The photo exhibition, Hearts in their Mouths, can be enjoyed at
With their hearts in their mouths pays tribute to those who fought for women’s ordination, putting faces and names to people who should never be forgotten. Read it here, remember the past and be encouraged to continue the struggle against those who argue that women should not hold positions of authority in the Anglican church.