Four Rivers Bookshop


Established in 1977, Four Rivers Bookshop is located in Griffith New South Wales.

The phrase ”Four Rivers” holds special significance in the Riverina Diocese and hails from the passage “A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden and there it divided and became four rivers.” These four rivers are represented within the Diocese through the four major waters that flow through our region, including the rivers of Murray, Murrumbidgee, Lachlan and Darling.

Our Diocesan bookshop, operated by volunteers, helps spread the good news of the gospel through the provision of Christian books and resources. In addition to its in-store service on Banna Avenue Griffith, Four Rivers Bookshop also offers a mail order facility, catering to the needs of many parishes throughout the Diocese. Manager: Helena Hicks Shop Location: 238 Banna Ave Grifffith Postal address: P.O.Box 1077 Griffith, N.S.W. 2680 Telephone: 02 6964 0304 Fax: 02 6964 2257