Trinity College Theological School in Melbourne is partnering with St James’ Institute in Sydney and offering a series of units for clergy and laity, either for credit or audit.
Of particular interest to Sydney-based MOW members are a seminar on Saturday 8 July (Spotlight on Women: The Ancient World and the Apostle Paul) and a unit, 8 and 10-13 July (Women’s Authority in the New Testament and Early Church). Both are taught by The Rev’d Canon Professor Dorothy Lee FAHA, Stewart Research Professor of New Testament.
Dorothy’s most recent book is The Ministry of Women in the New Testament: Reclaiming the Biblical Vision for Church Leadership (2021).
The cost of auditing the unit is $450. It offers an in-depth exegetical and theological study of selected New Testament texts featuring women and issues of authority. Students will explore the socio-cultural, literary and theological contexts for these texts, in dialogue with contemporary feminist approaches. In addition, students will explore the current context of women’s leadership and draw conclusions from the context of the period of the New Testament and early church.
Details of these events and other TCTS courses in Sydney are at and The full St James’ Institute program can be viewed at