2024 Conference: Lead Like a Woman
28 to 30 November 2024 | Thursday 28 November – St John’s Cathedral, 373 Ann Street, Brisbane 4000. Friday 29 and Saturday 30 November – St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, 11 Petrie Street, Ascot 4007

The Movement for the Ordination of Women Australia Ltd
invites members, supporters and guests to the 2024 National Conference in Brisbane:
Lead Like a Woman!
Dates: Thursday 28 to Saturday 30 November
Thursday 28 November – St John’s Cathedral, 373 Ann Street, Brisbane 4000
Friday 29 and Saturday 30 November – St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, 11 Petrie Street, Ascot 4007
Thursday 28 November: St John’s Cathedral, Ann Street, Brisbane | ||
5.00pm – 5.30pm | Arrive and register | |
6.00pm | Light Meal | |
7.00pm | Eucharist. Presider: The Rt Rev’d Sarah Plowman, Ass. Bishop, Preacher: Rev’d Aunty Di Langham | |
Friday 29 November: St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, Ascot | ||
8.30 | Morning Prayer & Biblical Reflection, with address by Archbishop Jeremy Greaves | |
Morning sessions 9.00am – 12.30 pm: | ||
First Session – Graydon-Rose Lecture (includes Q & A): Miryam Clough, Still Burning Witches: the church and sexual violence | ||
Second Session: Abuse & Violence toward Women in the Church Discussion Panel, Tanja Hagedorn, Gwenneth Roberts, Jenny Clark & Vanessa Fowler, moderated by Melissa Conway | ||
Third Session: First Nations Women Leaders Discussion Panel, Sandra King, Phyllis Marsh & Di Langham | ||
12.30pm | Lunch | |
Afternoon sessions 1:30pm – 4:00 pm | ||
Fourth Session: Marg Mowczko, followed by Q & A, , Ministering from the Margins and Leading Like a Mother | ||
Break for Social Networking | ||
Please note: An experienced trauma-informed Christian psychologist will be present on this day. Participants are encouraged to attend to self-care and take breaks when needed. | ||
4.00pm | Evening Prayer | |
6.00pm | Dinner & Band | |
Saturday 30 November: St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, Ascot | ||
8.30am | Morning Prayer | |
Morning sessions 9.00am – 1.00pm: | ||
First Session: Tracy McEwan, Voices of Change: Women Led Resistance in Catholic Communities | ||
Second Session: Colleen O’Reilly, Will The Future Church Have Women Leaders? | ||
Panel discussion on Women in Leadership: Tracy McEwan, Colleen O’Reilly, Marg Mowczko & Annette Woods, moderated by Ann Edwards | ||
1.00pm | Lunch | |
2.00pm | Closing Eucharist – Girls’ chapel | |
3.30pm | End of Conference |
Note: Our Program may change, so please come back prior to the conference for more information.
Rev’d Dr Miryam Clough
Miryam is a grandmother, priest, researcher, teacher, and homeopath. She works in Te Hāhi Mihingare, the Māori Anglican Church, in Aotearoa New Zealand. She is the author of two books on sexual violence in the church – Shame, the Church and the Regulation of Female Sexuality (Routledge 2017) and Vocation and Violence: The Church and #MeToo (Routledge 2022). Miryam will be speaking on the systemic nature of sexual violence in the church and some of the ways this impacts women’s vocations to Christian ministry.
Marg Mowzcko
Marg Mowczko lives on the Central Coast of NSW. She has a BTh from the Australian College of Ministries and an MA, with a specialisation in early Christian and Jewish studies, from Macquarie University. Marg writes on the topic of Christian egalitarianism and she regards the interactions her blog and social media accounts generate as her primary ministry. Her blog is at https://margmowczko.com/
Dr Tracy McEwan
Dr Tracy McEwan is a theologian and sociologist of religion and gender. Her writing and research interests include women in Catholicism; gender-based violence; church participation, generations, and life stage. She is a post-doctoral researcher in the School of Humanities, Creative Industries and Social Sciences at the University of Newcastle, Australia, and an Honorary Fellow at the Australian Catholic University. Major projects include the podcast “Australian Women Preach” and the International Survey of Catholic Women, a survey of more than 17,000 Catholic women from 105 countries.
Ven Dr Colleen O’Reilly, AM
Colleen O’Reilly is a priest in the Diocese of Melbourne where she has been the Archdeacon of Stonnington since 2022. Colleen came to Melbourne in 1994 to be the Associate Dean and Director of Ministry Studies in the then Melbourne College of Divinity, now the University of Divinity, and was ordained deacon and priest in 1995. Colleen has experienced the Anglican Church in the UK and the USA where she has lived, and in various other parts of the Communion when a member of the WCC Women’s Commission and the Primates’ Commission on Theological Education. Colleen made the speech that launched MOW in Sydney in 1983, moved the Women Deacon’s Bill in Sydney Synod in 1987 and with Dr Muriel Porter OAM organised the case, and raised the funds, for women bishops at the Appellate Tribunal in 2007. In 1975 Colleen and a few like-minded women formed a group to promote the ordination of women. It was called Anglican Women Concerned. She remains concerned that the ordination of women continues to enrich the Church, and that ordained women thrive in partnership with their lay sisters and brothers.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Panel
Aunty Elder Sandra King is an Elder of the Yagara, Quandamooka and Bundjalung people. She will speak on the topic of Reconciliation Action Plans and other matters concerning her work.
Aunty Phyllis Marsh is the Learning Innovator, Indigenous Perspectives, at West Moreton Anglican College. She is a MaMu woman from the Mundubarra people and a Board member of the Community Services Commission.
Rev’d Canon Auntie Di Langham is secretary to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council and the first Director of Reconciliation with Newcastle Anglican Diocese.
Violence, Abuse and Coercive Control Toward Women Panel
Tanja Hagedorn is the Chair of the Violence and Abuse of Women in Church Sub-Committee, MOW
Gwenneth Roberts is a MOW and member of Violence and Abuse of Women in Church sub-committee
Jennifer Clark is the former Domestic Violence Worker – Anglican Church Southern Queensland
Vanessa Fowler is the Co-Chair of the Queensland Domestic & Family Violence Prevention Council, and Chair of The Allison Baden-Clay Foundation
We thank our generous Conference Sponsors