bringing change and understanding

bringing change and understanding

Elaine Lindsay


Elaine Lindsay joined MOW back in the 1980s and has been active on the Sydney committee over the years. Her PhD was published as Rewriting God: Spirituality in Contemporary Women’s Fiction (2000) and, with Janet Scarfe, she co-edited Preachers, Prophets and Heretics: Anglican Women’s Ministry (2012). She was also co-editor of Women-Church: An Australian Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (1992-2007). She has worked as an arts administrator with the Australia Council and Arts NSW and recently retired as senior lecturer in literature, Australian Catholic University.

Elaine is honoured to be following in glorious footsteps of previous MOW Presidents.


Elaine Lindsay


Elaine Lindsay joined MOW back in the 1980s and has been active on the Sydney committee over the years. Her…

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Anne Edwards

Ann Edwards

Vice President

The Rev’d Dr Ann Edwards is the Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of The Gap in Queensland, and a certified practising…

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Colleen O'Reilly

Colleen O’Reilly AM

Vice President

The Venerable Dr Colleen O’Reilly AM – Vice-president Colleen O’Reilly is a priest in the Diocese of Melbourne where she…

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Danni Clark

Danni Clark

General Representative

The Reverend Danni Clark The Rev’d Danni Clark was ordained in Brisbane but began her training in her native England,…

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The Very Reverend Keren Terpstra

Keren Terpstra

General Representative

The Very Reverend Keren Terpstra is currently the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, in the Diocese of Gippsland. Before…

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Rev'd Sandra Kjellgren

Sandra Kjellgren


I was born in Brisbane and raised in the Anglican faith in a tradition that would be best described as…

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Kathleen Toal

I have been an Anglican all my life. I remember when I was baptised (I was 4, nearly 5) there…

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Melissa Conway

Melissa Conway

General Representative

Melissa Conway is the associate priest at St James’ Anglican Parish in Toowoomba, with special responsibility for St Anne’s Church…

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Tanja Hagedorn

General Representative

I grew up in the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Africa which provided me with a firm foundation for…

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Ruth Champion

Sydney Convenor

I’ve been a member of MOW for twenty years. I worked on the Unfinished Business conference committee during 2021-22 and…

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President: Elaine Lindsay
Vice-President(s): Ann Edwards
Collen O'Reilly AM
Secretary: Sandra Kjellgren
Treasurer: Kathleen Toal
General Representative(s): Danni Clark, Melissa Conway, Tanja Hagedorn, Karen Terpstra
Sydney MOW Convenor: Ruth Champion